Equal Business Opportunity Division

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Search Results
Supplier IDSupplier NameDBAAddressCityStateZipContact NamePhoneExpiration Date
37407 Gulf Coast Rebar Inc 4560 SHILOH MILL BOULEVARD JacksonvilleFL 32246 JONES, CHAD (904) 982-0521 11/8/2025
26271 H Trent Elson Underground Sprinkler System Inc 6659 Van Gundy Road JacksonvilleFL 32208 Trent, Hazell (904) 768-2263 7/8/2027
37900 H2Pro Pressure Washing and Services 7107 Gray Street JacksonvilleFL 32219 Blair, George (904) 510-5108 5/2/2025
39661 HP5 Consulting, LLC 12896 Dunes Lake Terrace JacksonvilleFL 32225 Holzendorf, Tracee (904) 608-0095 1/8/2026
21395 Hager Construction Company 2037 Gilmore Street JacksonvilleFl 32204 Hager, John (904) 356-0908 9/9/2025
39770 Hair Grass Hair Loss Solutions 3100 University Boulevard South 109 JacksonvilleFL 32216 Prescott, Ms. Ebony (904) 846-2160 11/14/2025
41933 Happy Cat Electric 13725 Beach Blvd Unit 12 JacksonvilleFL 32224 Lassetter, Rob (904) 716-4734 2/14/2028
39839 Hardys Lawncare 2529 congaree West JacksonvilleFL 32211 Hardy, Vanez (904) 254-1080 1/12/2026
21239 Harper & Associates Real EstateDBA Harper & Associates Real Estate, LLC1461 ROGERO RD #1 JacksonvilleFL 32211 Harper, Delmas (904) 619-9488 11/18/2025
40678 Harvest Group Global Services, Inc. 1301 RIVERPLACE BLVD Suite 800 JacksonvilleFL 32207 Tolbert, Joseph (904) 552-6394 3/25/2026

Be advised that the entities shown herein have met the requirements for their appropriate listed type certification/ designation based on their own representation of ownership and licenses. You are encouraged to exercise due diligence and ascertain, for yourself, which participant is certified and qualified to perform specific types of work for you on any particular project.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.  Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.