Equal Business Opportunity Division

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Search Results
Supplier IDSupplier NameDBAAddressCityStateZipContact NamePhoneExpiration Date
43550 S & L CONSTRUCTION OF JAX INC 7125 San Jose Blvd JacksonvilleFL 32217 ECHEVERRI, LINA (904) 893-1936 11/18/2027
20532 SJD Consultants, Inc 14020 Saddlehill Court JacksonvilleFL 32258 Davis Jr, Steven (904) 710-9952 3/29/2025
41427 SMITH & SMITH CLEANING LLC 3828 Ringneck Drive JacksonvilleFL 32226 SMITH, ALEXIS (904) 487-3310 4/22/2026
22541 SPA SMILEY TRUCKING INC 9428 Baymeadows Road Suite 502 JacksonvilleFL 32256 Smiley, Samuel (904) 449-8168 2/21/2026
41698 Safety Resolutions, LLC 12724 Gran Bay Parkway West Sute 410 JacksonvilleFL 32258 Jackson, Roy (877) 889-4042 10/7/2027
39465 Samantha ThomasDBA Scentt, Inc9526 ARGYLE FOREST BLVD STE B2 #464 JacksonvilleFL 32222 Thomas, Samantha (904) 554-9211 2/21/2026
39437 Sandra Claridy-SimpsonDBA A&S Complete Services LLCDBA A&S Complete Services LLC 1340 Mcgirts Creek Drive East JacksonvilleFL 32221 Claridy-Simpson, Sandra (904) 294-1993 10/3/2025
39205 Sekou SidibeDBA DJEBY Cleaning and Home Service LLCDBA DJEBY Cleaning and Home Service LLC 3256 Brookasher Drive JacksonvilleFl 32218 Sidibe , Sekou (904) 651-8162 1/12/2026
44947 Sharper Image Lawn Care 16075 Blyler Road JacksonvilleFL 32218 Miller, Joshua (904) 616-3240 2/21/2028
25433 ShayCore, LLC 11235 St. Johns Industrial Parkway North Suite 1 JacksonvilleFL 32246 Monk, Cibelle (904) 551-2592 4/10/2026

Be advised that the entities shown herein have met the requirements for their appropriate listed type certification/ designation based on their own representation of ownership and licenses. You are encouraged to exercise due diligence and ascertain, for yourself, which participant is certified and qualified to perform specific types of work for you on any particular project.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.  Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.