Equal Business Opportunity Office - Certified JSEB Vendors

Vendor Information

Name: Hardys Lawncare
Address: 2529 congaree West
              Jacksonville, FL 32211

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information

Contact: Hardy, Vanez
Phone: (904) 254-1080

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equal Business Opportunity Information

Original Certification Date: 1/12/2024
Current Certification Expiration: 1/12/2026



906.56 Landscape Architecture
906.57 Land Development and Planning - Architectural
918.73 Landscaping Consulting
988.08 Cleaning of Roadside Park (Rest Stop) Areas Including Privy Vaults, Septic Tanks and Trash Cans
988.36 Grounds Maintenance: Mowing, Edging, Plant (Not Tree) Trimming, etc.
988.52 Landscaping (Including Design, Fertilizing, Planting, etc., But Not Grounds Maintenance or Tree Trimming Services)
988.56 Litter Removal Services (Including Beach Cleaning) (For Buildings See 910-27)
988.75 Roadside Maintenance Services (Including Mowing, etc.)

The Equal Business Opportunity Office has made a determination that the entities shown herein are certified as Jacksonville Small Emerging Business (JSEB), based solely on their own representation of owner and licenses.  You are encouraged to exercise due diligence and ascertain, for yourself, which JSEB participant is qualified to perform specific portions of work for you on any particular project.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.  If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.  Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.