Equal Business Opportunity Office - Certified JSEB Vendors


907.14 Architectural Services, Non-Licensed (Not Otherwise Classified)
907.35 Designing Services
907.40 Engineering Services, Non-Licensed (Not Otherwise Classified)
909.03 Administration of Contracts: Summary of Work, Quality Control, Project Closeout, etc.
909.76 Site Work (Incl. Site Clean-Up)
910.51 Masonry, Concrete, and Stucco Maintenance and Repair (Includes Inside Concrete Sawing and Grouting Work)
912.40 Demolition Services
913.19 Construction, Curb and Gutter (Includes Maintenance, Repair, and Removal)
913.47 Construction, Sidewalk and Driveway (Includes Pedestrian and Handicap Ramps)
913.50 Construction, Street (Major and Residential)(Includes Reconstruction)
913.82 Maintenance and Repair, Sidewalk and Driveway (Including Removal)
914.30 Concrete
918.14 Appraisals Consulting
918.19 Buildings, Structures and Components Consulting
918.20 Business Consulting, Small
918.21 Business Consulting, Large
918.25 Compliance Consulting, American Disabilities Act (ADA)
918.26 Communications: Public Relations Consulting
918.27 Community Development Consulting
918.31 Construction Consulting
918.32 Consulting Services (Not Otherwise Classified)
918.35 Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) and Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Consulting Including Technical Assistance
918.42 Engineering Consulting
918.58 Governmental Consulting
918.63 Housing Consulting
918.72 Lakes, Rivers, and Other Waterway Management Consulting Services
918.73 Landscaping Consulting
918.75 Management Consulting
918.76 Marketing Consulting
918.79 Minority and Small Business Consulting
918.81 Natural Disasters (Fire, Flood, Wind, Quakes) Consulting
918.88 Quality Assurance/Control Consulting
918.96 Transportation Consulting
929.14 Asphalt Pavers Maintenance and Repair
958.68 Support Services, Management
958.77 Project Management Services
961.10 Business Plan Development Services
961.18 Concrete Resurfacing Services (Swimming Pools, Driveways, Patios, etc.)
961.21 Cost Estimating
961.56 Program/Project Development and Management Services
961.96 Non-Professional Services (Not Otherwise Classified)
988.14 Erosion Control Services
988.52 Landscaping (Including Design, Fertilizing, Planting, etc., But Not Grounds Maintenance or Tree Trimming Services)

The Equal Business Opportunity Office has made a determination that the entities shown herein are certified as Jacksonville Small Emerging Business (JSEB), based solely on their own representation of owner and licenses.  You are encouraged to exercise due diligence and ascertain, for yourself, which JSEB participant is qualified to perform specific portions of work for you on any particular project.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.  If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.  Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.